

1. 关于make的句子

make: This car is made in China. 这辆汽车是中国制造的。

Did you make this shirt or buy it? 这件衬衣是你自己做的还是买的? She had made her own trouble. 她的不幸是她自己造成的。 To make it Stand, You Wet it ! 要让它站得直,你必须湿润它! We can make this car. Believe me. 我们可以做出这部车。

相信我。 Let your boss make the first move. 让你的上司来做第一步行动。

How can I make this better for you? 那么怎样你才能觉得更满意些呢? Shall I make the reservation for you? 请问需要我为您安排预约吗? OK , A wave and a bride – make – up . 好的,头发烫一下,再做个新娘化妆。 Where can we make the insurance claim? 我们在哪里能提出保险赔偿? We often make a cake for his birthday. 我们通常为他的生日做一个蛋糕。

How can you make yourself like by others? 怎样才能让自己变得惹人喜爱呢? And make it better. 把它唱得更快乐。 What can we make. ? 我们可以做甚麽…? Robot can think that we make contribution. 机器人可以为我们做出贡献。

We make a personality survey in our class. 我们在班级里做了一次性格调查。 Then make the bed. 再把床整理一下。

Winners make it happen. Losers let it happen. 成功者使其发生。失败者任其发生。

If you can make it here, you make it anywhere. 要是能在这儿做到了,能在任何地点做到。 On the contrary, I always make way for a fool. 歌德说:“恰恰相反,我一直的都给傻子让路。”

You must do something to make the world more beautiful. 你一定要做一件让世界变得更美丽的事。 Want me leave you and I make, pay so many, what is got. 要我离开你我做不到,付出那么多的,得到的又是什么。

Make plans, believe in yourself, and go for what you want. 梦想。制订计划,坚信自己,为你的梦想全力以赴。

If you cannot have the best, make the best of what you have. 如果你不能穿搐扁诽壮赌憋涩铂绩拥有最好的,那就把你所拥有的做到最好。 Love is the effort a man make to is satisfy with only one woman. 恋爱,是男人作出的准备只以一个女人来满足自己的努力。

And totally realize in the application system, make the good result. 并在应用系统中完全实现,取得了良好的效果。 Before we make any decision, we should listen to what the others say. 我们在做出任何决定之前,应该听一听其他人的意见。

But when the cigarette was back to me later, I found it really can make my life easy. 但是后来当我重拾烟草的时候,我发现它真的能使我的生活变得轻松简单。 Managers should have their own agendas to know what they should do and make use of their time. 经理应该有属于自己的议事日程以便知道他们该做的事,充分利用好时间。

This victory alone is not the change we seek – it is only the chance for us to make that change. 这次胜利并不是我们所追求的变革,这仅仅是为我们提供了一个做出变革的机会。

2. 用MAKE造句 造5个

I want to make a milk to give mother.


The policemen make the wold beautiful


The father and mother make me happy


Teacher can make our smart


If you be good can make every one happy



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