

1. 关于人生的英语名言名句(要有谁说的


(BenjaminFranklin,Americanpresident)二十岁时起支配作用的是意志,三十岁时是机智,四十岁时是判断。 (美国总统富兰克林。


(BenjaminFranklin,Americanpresident)你热爱生命吗?那么,别浪费时间,因为生命是由时间组成的。 (美国总统富兰克林。


(RichardNixon,Americanpresident)历史巨轮飞转,分分秒秒的时间都十分宝贵,也独具意义。 (美国总统尼克松。






(PearlBuck,Americanfemalewriter)想要懂得今天,就必须研究昨天。 (美国女作家赛珍珠)Indelaythereliesnoplenty,Thencomekissme,sweetandtwenty,Youth'sastuffthatwillnotendure。

(WilliamShakespeare,Britishdramatist)迁延蹉跎,来日无多,二十丽姝,请来吻我,衰草枯杨,青春易过。 (英国剧作家莎士比亚。






(MarkTwain,Americanwriter)黄金时代在我们面前而不在我们背后。 (美国作家马克·吐温)Thetimeoflifeisshort;tospendthatshortnessbasely,itwouldbetoolong。

(WilliamShakespeare,Britishdramatist)人生苦短,若虚度年华,则短暂的人生就太长了。 (英国剧作家莎士比亚。




(FrancisBacon,Britishphilosopher)合理安排时间就是节约时间。 (英国哲学家培根。











(BenjaminFranklin,Americanpresident)懒惰像生锈一样,比操劳更能消耗身体。 (美国总统富兰克林。



2. 关于感恩的英语句子怎么写

1. The remotest corners of the globe have to do, only Shien infinite period. Thank you, teacher!天涯海角有尽处,只有师恩无穷期。

感谢您,老师! 2. Thanksgiving just won't be the same without you.没有你,感恩节就不会一样了。 3. From all of us to all of you at Thanksgiving.我们全体祝你们感恩节快乐。

4. Rivers pushes us to the vast sea, the dawn brings us bright morning; my dear teacher, you lead us to a magnificent life.江河把我们推向浩瀚的大海,曙光给我们带来明媚的早晨;亲爱的老师,您把我们引向壮丽的人生。 5. Dear teacher, thank you for illuminating my voyage of life with your own light of life. My grateful sentiments come from the bottom of my heart.老师,感谢您用自己的生命之光,照亮了我人生的旅途,对您我满怀感谢之情。

6. That the less time I have to work with, the more things I get done.越是给很少的时间,我能做越多的事情。 7. That under everyone's hard shell is someone who wants to be appreciated and loved.在某些人的坚硬外壳下,也有渴望欣赏和理解的一面。

8. No one deserves a bigger thank you than you. One day is hardly enough to show our gratitude.没有人比您更值得如此深厚的谢意。仅这一天远不足以表达我们对您的感激之情。

9. I couldn't have done it without you.若是没有你,我不可能做到。 10. 幸福,是有一颗感恩的心,一个健康的身体,一份称心的工作,一位深爱你的家人,一帮可以信赖的朋友。

感恩为幸福之首,是因为不知道感恩的人,永远就不会幸福。 11. That everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you're climbing it.所有的人都想停留在山顶,但所有的乐趣和成长发生在爬上的过程里。

12. That I wish I could have told my Dad that I love him one more time before he passed away.我真希望在父亲去世之前能再说一次我爱他。 13. That everyone you meet deserves to be greeted with a smile.你遇到的所有的人都应该给他们一个微笑。

14. That sometimes all a person needs is a hand to hold and a heart to understand.有时候每个人都需要一只可以握住的手和一颗信任的心。 15. Thanksgiving is the best holiday of the year.感恩节是一年中最好的节日。

16. I've learned…That life is tough, but I'm tougher.生命是艰难的,而我更坚强。 17. I wouldn't want to spend Thanks-giving with anyone else.我只愿和你共度感恩节。

18. From all of us to all of you at Thanksgiving. 请接受我们诚挚的祝福:祝你们感恩节快乐! 19. Just dig into the roast turkey. Wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving! 20. That I can't choose how I feel, but I can choose what I do about it.我不能改变我的想法,但是我可以改变我的做法。 21. Some people say, Shien mountain, because mountains Weiwei, revered. I would also like to say, Shien like the sea, because the sea is vast, beyond measure.有人说,师恩如山,因为高山巍巍,使人崇敬。

我还要说,师恩似海,因为大海浩瀚,无法估量。 22. I've learned…That it's those small daily happenings that make life so spectacular.就是一些生活的琐碎让生命壮丽。


3. 有没有关于人生哲理的英语句子

Without encouragement of ideals, human activities become empty and trifling。

人的行为如果没有理想的鼓舞,就会变得空虚而渺小。 To a person in the world, the most important thing is to be able to love, not to be loved。

人活在世上,最重要的是有爱人的能力,而不是被爱。 The whole course of human historymay depend on a change of heartin one solitaryand even humbe individual-for it is in the solitary mind and soul of the individual that the battle between good and evil is waged and ultimately won or lost。

人类历史的整个进程或许依赖于寂寞的甚至卑微的个人心中的变化——因为善恶之战是在个人寂寞的心灵和灵魂中发起并最终决定输赢的。 Art is a jealous mistress。

艺术是一位充满嫉妒的情人。 It takes at least two to make a peace,but one can make a war。

和平需双方共同谋求,但一方就可以挑起战争。 The proper of man is to live, but not to exist。


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