

1. 描写学校的英语作文7——8个句子

仅供参考:My School

My school is very beautiful. It is Nanhai Experimental School. There are three tall buildings in our school. They all have five floors. In the teaching building, the P.E.room is on the first floor. The library is on the second floor. The science rooms are on the third floor. The computer rooms are on the third floor and the fourth floor. The music rooms are on the third floor and the fourth floor. My class room is on the fifth floor. I am in Class9, Grade 6. There are five gardens in our school. In the gardens there are many beautiful flowers, grass and trees. There is a big playground in my school.

I like my school, because my school is very beautiful.

写这类作文最好用到There be 句型 最后最好抒发自己对学校的感情,开头开门见山的好

2. 谁帮我写几句描写校园的英语句子

Is this the long lost sense of intoxifocation? what a wonderful smell! It may be from the lilac or lilies, or the mix of others. I can not help stoping my steps and close my eye, trying to trace out where it comes from. Freeze is petting every inch of my skin.And so amazingly, my ears reach some kind of languagues,some are murmurous,some are resounding. They are the songs from the trees above me, or the roof nearby.Birds indeed are the greatest musicians and now are composing the songs of Spring Morning.Do they know English? I amuse myself.Actually,it's the chorus of the moring reading."Morning" ! Sort of reluctantly, I open my eyes. My best friend is smiling at me fascinatly. 答案补充这难道就是久违的陶醉吗?多么的香啊!这许是丁香花、百合花的香味吧,或者混杂着其他的花香呢。




3. 谁有有关校园的英语句子

先给你自己链接:1、校园日常口语对话 和室友吵架(嘻嘻,居然第一个就是和室友吵架的):/index.php/study/read/id/4662、校园英语---在线学习(这里可以很系统地学习,呵呵):/lesson/mp3/xiaoyuan/下面这部分是我给你的这两个链接里没有的内容 一、大学新生常用口语:熟悉校园和同学This is a beautiful campus, isn't it?这个校园真美不是吗?Where is the campus cafeteria?校园的食堂在哪里?Do you know where the library is?你知道图书馆在哪儿吗?Is there a drug store nearby?附近有药店吗?May I have your name?请问你叫什么名字?Where are you from?你从哪儿来的?I'm a freshman.我是大一的学生。

Do you live on or off campus?你住在校内还是校外?Who are you living with?你和谁住在一起?Excuse me, do you know where I can register?对不起,能告诉我应该在哪儿注册吗?Have you finished registering?你的注册办好了吗?Why don't you apply for a student loanthen?那你何不申请学生贷款呢?How many hours are you taking this semester?这学期你选了多少学时的课?I find the buildings in the campus are a bit old-fashioned.我发现校园里的建筑都很古老陈旧。二、美国校园口语 1. Wake up,Joe 乔,快醒醒A: Wake up, Joe. It's seven o'clock. If you're going to work you'll have to get up now. Hey, Joe. Wake up.B: Mmmmmmmm.A: Joe. Get up.B: Is It seven o'clock already?A: Yes. It's seven.B: Well, wake me up in twenty minutes. I decided to catch the late bus.A: Uh, uh。

you told me last night not to let you argue me out of getting you up on time. So, get up.B: Okay, okay, stop yelling. I'm up.Notes:wake up 醒来argue sb. out ofdissuade, or persuadre someone not to do something 课文中的you told me last night not to let you argue me out of getting you up on time 的意思是:昨晚你还告诉我。不要让你任性,务必叫你按时起床。

stop yelling 别嚷嚷了译文:A:乔,快醒醒。七点钟了。


B:嗯 A:乔,快起床。B:真是七点了吗?A:是七点了。



我起床。美国校园口语 Trading Stamps 用赠券换东西A: Every time I go to the grocery, the clerk asks me if I save stamps. I always say no, but sometimes I get them anyway.B: Oh, never turn them down. You can always find someone who'll take them. People spend hours pasting them in little books, and when a book is full, they drive miles to a redemption center where the stamps can be traded for things like pillow cases, or playing cards, or garden tools. But you have to save millions of them to get anything worth having.NotesStamp 美国一些商店或超级市场送给顾客的赠券。

积到一定数量后可以换取实物礼品Clerk 售货员Turn them down-refuse themRedemption center 用赠券换取礼品的商店Trade-exchangeA:每次我去杂货店,店员都问我是否收集赠券,我总是说“不”,不过有的时候我还是积下些赠券。B:啊,别丢掉它。


不过你得收集相当多张才能换回一些有重要价值的东西。Sorry, I'm Late. 对不起,我迟到了A: Well, you finally got here. It's about time. I've been waiting in this restaurant a full thirty minutes.B: Sorry, Jeannie. You know me. I'm always late.A: Everybody knows, and every body's getting tired of it. Five,ten, thirty minutes all the time. No one is that busy. Even in school you always interrupt the teacher right in the middle of a sentence. The whole class has to wait while you sit down and put down your books. It annory s him and everyone else.B: All I can say is sorry. Maybe I'll reform, but don't count on it.Notes:it's about time-you are late get tired of… 对…感到厌倦it annoys him 这使他讨厌reform 改正译文:A:啊,你总算来了。






也许我会改正,不过别对我抱太大希望。The First Class 第一堂课A: Today I had my first English classB: How was it?A: It was interesting. The teacher gave us three ways to help ourselves learn the language. First, stop talking anything except English. Then learn many complete sentences by heart. Finally, have American friend。

4. 描写学校的英语短文

Qur school is beautiful.

There are many flowers,grasses and trees.

They're yellow and green.In the middle of classrooms.

My classroom is next to a library.The teachers' office is behind the classroom.The gym is in front of the classrooms.This is my school.

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