

1. 互相学习,互相帮助的句子

It is important that we should learn from each other and help each other.我们应当互相学习,互相帮助,这是很重要的。

She encourages them to help each other in their studies - simply as friends.她对待学生就像朋友一样,鼓励大家在学习上互相帮助。But keep on studying hard and help each other.但是还要继续努力学习和互相帮助,But having made the decision to settle here, we must learn to live harmoniously with the locals and contribute to the growth of the country.既来之,则安之,我们就要学习和本地早期的移民和移民的后代和睦相处,互相帮助,一起来建设这个欣欣向荣的岛国。

We work very hard. We help each other.我们学习很努力,大家互相帮助。Chen often has heart-to-heart talks with them about the dos and don'ts as students. She encourages them to help each other in their studies - simply as friends.陈老师经常和自己的学生谈心,和他们一起探讨作为学生,应该做什么,不应该做什么。

她对待学生就像朋友一样,鼓励大家在学习上互相帮助。learn from each other and help each other.互相学习互相帮助。

1.你们应该互相学习,互相帮助。You should learn from each other and help each other.2.我们互相学习互相帮助。

We study each other and help each other.3.我们应当互相学习,互相帮助,这是很重要的。It is important that we should learn from each other and help each other.4.英语群QQ44916414,欢迎大家加入!大家一起学习,互相帮助!Welcome to join QQ44916414 English Group! Let's learn together and help each other!5.我是来自中国的吉林长春,我正在上大学,想结交世界各地朋友,互相学习,帮助。

I come from Jilin, China, I was a university education, and would like to make friends all over the world, to learn from each other and help.6.在这里我们学习互相帮助,透过安利优质的产品和生活理念去关爱别人,改善别人的生活。By understanding our customers' needs, we can use Amway products to help them live better lives.7.我们一起学习,经常互相帮助.We study together and often help .8.但是还要继续努力学习和互相帮助.But keep on studying hard and help each other.9.学会了配合老师的教学计划以及与同学建立了良好的学习关系,互相帮助解决问题,共同进步。

I learned to cooperate with teacher's teaching plan and build up the good study relationships between students, so we could help each other and improve together. 10.通过论坛,你可以与来自中国和全世界的其他学员们讨论此专业的最新发展或学习上互相帮助。Through the discussion forum you can interact with other students, from China and around the world, discuss the latest developments in the profession or help each other study.11.真正的好朋友,会把学习上互相帮助看成是责任,是乐事,而决不会搞“封锁”、“保密”,生怕别人超过自己。

The genuine good friend, will help the study to regard as will be a responsibility mutually, will be the happy event, but will do “ he blockade”in no way, “ he security” for fear that others will surpass themselves.12.陈老师经常和自己的学生谈心,和他们一起探讨作为学生,应该做什么,不应该做什么。她对待学生就像朋友一样,鼓励大家在学习上互相帮助。

Chen often has heart-to-heart talks with them about the dos and don'ts as students. She encourages them to help each other in their studies - simply as friends.13.我们应该互相帮助,互相学习。We should help each other and learn from each other.14.我们要互相帮助,互相学习.7 We have to help and learn each other.15.同学之间友好相处,生活、学习上应该互相帮助;课余时间在教室内不准嬉戏、打闹。

Get on well with each other in life and study; Help and learn from each other. Don't play or make hustle and bustle within the classroom in the spare time.16.留学解答资讯网:我在山东中学的9年级一班读书,我的班级是个优秀的班级,我们班里有54名学生,他们都很友好,同学们互相帮助,交流学习心得。I am in the ninth grade Shandong secondary school class, my class is an outstanding class, our class has 54 students, they are all friendly, the students help each other, exchange learning experiences.17.不论是专业的或是业余的文艺工作者,一切社会主义的和爱国的文艺工作者,一切维护祖国统一的文艺工作者,都要更好地互相帮助、互相学习,把全部精力集中于文艺的创作、研究或评论。

Whether professional or amateur, all socialist and patriotic writers and artists and all those who support the reunification of our motherland should try harder to help and learn from each other and to concentrate their energies on literary and artistic creation, study and criticism.18.老师要我们互相帮助和互相学习。The teacher asks us to learn from each other and help each other.19.最近有几位博友问我英语学习的问题,其实大家可以互相帮助,互相提。

2. 对我们来说,互相帮助是很必要的用英语表达


答案:It's very necessary for us to help each other.


祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)



3. 朋友互相帮助20词的英语作文

help each other(kaiser3344手写)

this morning i went to the classroom at seven o'clock because i was on duty today. of course i was the first one. i was cleaning the blackboard when li ming came into the classroom. i asked her, "who do you come here so early?" she answered with a smile, "i know you are on duty today. let me help you." i was very happy and said, "oh, thankyou. " we began to work together. when the teacher arrived, we had already done a good job, and the classroom was clean and tidy. the teacher praised me.

the day after tomorrow li ming will be on duty. i am going to help her too. we are good friends. we should help each other.




4. 【这些分别用英语怎么说

1.like sth.a little{有很多种表达} 2.not at all 3.help each other 4.have one's seat 5.on the farm 6.in the middle school 7.live with sb.8.look after/take care of 9.help yourself 10.What about。

/How do you like。11.Note down the customer's order 12.Wait a second{很多种表达} 13.have dinner with sb.14.let me think for a while 15.be friendly to sb.16.be glad / pleased / happy to do sth.17.over there楼下那位是直译的,不是意译.大概是用翻译器翻译的,要注意有些明显错误.。

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